Developer working together on the same file at the same time
Enabled using multiplayer repls
Great for knowledge sharing
A form of eXprogramming
Synchronous Collaboration Limitation
Requires time scheduling
Limited number of participants (Usually 2)
Member contribution not tracked
Asynchronous Collaboration
Developers working together over time
Enabled using Git and GitHub
Integrated with
Requires agreement on workflow
Better fit for large group collaboration and effort tracking
Asynchronous Collaboration Limitations
Steep learning curve
Overhead to using the tools
Greater benefits with larger groups
Still useful for individuals
Benefit of using collaboration tools might not be clear
Success dependent on choice from endless workflows
Developer Workflow for Our Course
graph TD
A[Find new Task]
B[Create New Branch]
C[Work on Task]
D[Commit Work Done]
E[Send Pull Request to Project Manager]
A --> B
B --> C
C --> D
D -- Bug Exists --> C
D -- Task or Fix Complete --> E
E --> A
Branches and Pull Requests
Always create a branch from main/master to start your work
Once done, create a pull request to ask the project manager to include your work (merge it) to the project
Discussion can be started around a pull request where manager can ask members to fix problems in their work
Pull request is completed if it is successfully merged
Creating a Pull Request in Same Repo
Creating a Pull Request To Different Repo
Git and GitHub
You need to distinguish between these two
Git is the tool we use to keep track of the changes made to our source code and combine our work
GitHub is the cloud platform hosting our git repositories
GitHub also introduced social coding and project management features to be used with Git
What About Replit?
Replit is an cloud based IDE
You use it to write code
You can pull and push code between it and GitHub
What About Replit?
When you work alone you pull/import your work to replit.
When you want your team to see your work you push it to GitHub from replit.
You work is cloned (i.e., copied) to Replit and another on GitHub
Each team member gets their own clone of the project code
What If I Cannot Use GitHub?
Part of your evaluation in this course is based on how well you collaborate through GitHub
Using Git and GitHub is a very important skill for developers and managers in this age
You can complete your final project using Synchronous collaboration on