ISOM 350

Business Application Development

Mohammad AlMarzouq

Collaboration in Software Development

Types of Collaboration

  • Synchronous
  • Asynchronous

Synchronous Collaboration

  • Developer working together on the same file at the same time
  • Enabled using multiplayer repls
  • Great for knowledge sharing
    • A form of eXprogramming

Synchronous Collaboration Limitation

  • Requires time scheduling
  • Limited number of participants (Usually 2)
  • Member contribution not tracked

Asynchronous Collaboration

  • Developers working together over time
  • Enabled using Git and GitHub
    • Integrated with
  • Requires agreement on workflow
  • Better fit for large group collaboration and effort tracking

Asynchronous Collaboration Limitations

  • Steep learning curve
  • Overhead to using the tools
    • Greater benefits with larger groups
    • Still useful for individuals
  • Benefit of using collaboration tools might not be clear
  • Success dependent on choice from endless workflows

Developer Workflow for Our Course

graph TD
    A[Find new Task]
    B[Create New Branch]
    C[Work on Task]
    D[Commit Work Done]
    E[Send Pull Request to Project Manager]
    A --> B
    B --> C
    C --> D
    D -- Bug Exists --> C
    D -- Task or Fix Complete --> E
    E --> A

Branches and Pull Requests

  • Always create a branch from main/master to start your work
  • Once done, create a pull request to ask the project manager to include your work (merge it) to the project
  • Discussion can be started around a pull request where manager can ask members to fix problems in their work
  • Pull request is completed if it is successfully merged
Creating a Pull Request in Same Repo
Creating a Pull Request in Same Repo
Creating a Pull Request To Different Repo
Creating a Pull Request To Different Repo

Git and GitHub

  • You need to distinguish between these two
  • Git is the tool we use to keep track of the changes made to our source code and combine our work
  • GitHub is the cloud platform hosting our git repositories
  • GitHub also introduced social coding and project management features to be used with Git

What About Replit?

  • Replit is an cloud based IDE
  • You use it to write code
  • You can pull and push code between it and GitHub

What About Replit?

  • When you work alone you pull/import your work to replit.
  • When you want your team to see your work you push it to GitHub from replit.
  • You work is cloned (i.e., copied) to Replit and another on GitHub
  • Each team member gets their own clone of the project code

What If I Cannot Use GitHub?

  • Part of your evaluation in this course is based on how well you collaborate through GitHub
  • Using Git and GitHub is a very important skill for developers and managers in this age
  • You can complete your final project using Synchronous collaboration on
    • Your grade will suffer from this