ISOM 350 - Business Application Development
We will mainly use the cloud IDE for development. To setup for this course, you will be required to perform the following:
- Read the Syllabus
- Setup python on your computer
- Signup for
- Complete the first GitHub assignment to join our GitHub classroom
- Completion of an introductory course in programming (Doesn’t have to be Python)
Required References
- This website starting with Introduction section
- Slides for this course
- Django’s Documentation
Optional Requirements
Textbook from Prerequisite course is a useful reference:
Tony Gaddis, Starting Out with Python, Global Edition, 4th Edition Haywood Community College, 2019 Purchase Online
view other optional requirements..
While this is not required, should you choose to run a Django development server locally on your machine to avoid using the internet while development, you will need to install the following packages:
- Install anacoda python
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install Django using terminal on mac, or CMD on windows, by typing:
pip install django
Note: It will be your responsibility to read the Django documentation on how to setup the development environment on your computer.
Study Plan
Week | Topic | Slides | Assignment |
1 | Introduction | Complete course requirements | |
2 | PyReview | Form Project Teams on GitHub |