Django Basics

What is Django?

Django is a web application development framework. Meaning, it is a set of rules, libraries, and conventions that you could use to streamline the process of building a web application.

Given that Django is a framework, it enforces a number of restrictions and ways to do things on our project. These restrictions would guarantee that we can gain the benefits promised by Django including improved collaboration, security, admin interface, reusability …etc.

Django is classified as a fullstack framework that provides all the necessary libraries needed to build a web application from database abstraction to templating and everything in between. The alternative type of web frameworks are micro frameworks that specialize in a specific functionality of a web application. Flask is an example of a micro web framework that specializes in building view functions for handling HTTP requests. For templating or databases you have to use other libraries that can assist with these tasks such as Jinja for templating and SQLLAlchemy for databases.