The Poll Project 1st Assignment

Due Date is Thursday Nov 9th 2pm

You are expected to work as a team on this project. Be sure to follow the workflow that we have explained in class/lab, including the pull request. Part of your assisment will be based on how well you work as a team and use the tools provided by GitHub to collaborate. It will be the responsibility of the project manager to ensure that the team is working together and that the work is distributed fairly.

Requirements for This Assignments

  • Setup a new projects named poll_project
  • Setup an app named poll in your project
  • Edit .gitignore by removing the line db.sqlite3 then save the file. This would allow you to share your database using git (Do this only for the assignment).
  • Create the models for this project based on the ER-Diagram shown below
  • Perform migrations and prepare the database
  • Prepare the admin interface for these model
  • Create a super user named test with password 1234
  • Create some useful test data using the admin interface (3 poll questions with varying number of responses each, from 3 to 7)

Improve Admin Interface with Following Features:

  • Show poll questions, active date, and status as a list
  • Allow for searching poll questions
  • Filter questions based on status
  • Show Poll option list showing poll question and option
  • Show response name, time, option, and poll for responses.

  • Update the readme file with a section to detail how work was ditributed. The section should include the following:
    • Who was the project manager
    • How work was distributed
    • How the team collaborated
    • Any other information you think is relevant to the project management process

Bonus Tasks

These tasks will involve reading the Django documentation and figuring out things on your own. Perform these tasks only after you complete the previous requirements of the assignment.

  • In, create a section named Bonus and list all the bonus items you completed in this project. Bonus items will be ignored if not listed on
  • In the poll question list, display a column showing the number of responses for the question
  • Create InlineModelAdmin for Poll and Option which allows editing and creating of the question and options in the same form
  • Explore the admin interface on your own and try to implement new features


The ER-Diagram describes the data requirements and will be used for constructing the project’s data models in The blog data model is currently very simple and contains a single entity:

    Poll ||--o{ Option : Has
    Option || --o{ Response : Has

    Poll {
        string title
        string question
        datetime active_until
        int status 
    Option {
        string title

    Response {
        string name
        datetime response_time

How to Start and Submit Your Project

  1. Join the poll-project assignment on github classroom.
  2. Clone your assignment project using GitHub desktop to your computer and remember to NOT work on the main/master branch except when setting up the project by the project manager.
  3. All tasks must be performed in their own branch and merged to master using a pull request.
  4. When done, commit then push your work using GitHub Desktop. Remember, you can continue to make changes and push code after submission until the deadline.

Grading Criteria (Total 100 pts, 10% of total grade)

  • If submitted project doesn’t work, you will receive 10 pts only
  • If submitted project works, breakdown of grades is as follows (Partial credit could be awarded):
    • Proper directory setup 10 pts
    • Proper model configuration 20 pts
    • Proper Admin interface setup 30 pts
    • Proper test data entry 10 pts
    • Demonstrating proper team work and collaboration 30 pts
      • Use of pull requests, branching, and proper merging will be checked.